Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dewie's Challenge to Her Able-Bodied Friends & Family

To go 12 hours not scratching an itch. Report back to me.




  1. DEWIE I think of u all the time I was at Mel's today getting my hair cut. We were saying waht a great person u r . I am back at Cruves
    Yes I can not go twelve hours not scratching an itch. Didn't have one till I read it now I have an itch LOL
    Love ya,

  2. That's a little like my cure for the hiccups: run around a church 3 times without thinking of a fox. Cissy

  3. Dewie ---- that is going to be a very difficult challenge!!! A week ago one of my cats rubbed up to my exposed foot and gave me poison ivy!! I'm sure you have had poison ivy once and you know how it can drive one CRAZY!! Well, I have been super focused on NOT scratching the spot and spreading the rash until I fall asleep, and in my sleep, find that spot!! Tom wakes me to get me to stop the scratching!! He is afraid I will give it to him as well! So, does it count against me if I am asleep when I scratch??? I think hands down I loose your challenge! love you, AMB

  4. That is a challenge, but one I'm up for starting right now. Would you believe I just figured out how to read the new blogs!! I'm really terrible at this computer business. Oh darn, just scratched my head. This challenge is going to take some concentration!! oxoxo Janice

  5. I know it can be done. But don't make me! It's my only excuse for stopping in the middle of piano practice: "I had to scratch!" ;-) Kate

  6. Dewie,
    Pete and I have talked a couple of times in Narita when we have had a beer together and I suspect he told you my sister, Merle Beth, had ALS too. You are both to be commended for your strength and love for each other. It is not an easy time at all and I do realize what you are going through as my grandmother, mother and now my sister, Merle Beth, have died from complications caused by ALS. Pete told me probably well over a year ago about the CEO of happiness concept and I tried to bring that to my sisters. They embraced it and I have much to thank you for that. Merle Beth was being cared for at home in Denver at my older sisters’ home. We had notes all around about Merle Beth being in charge of happiness and finding ways to further it. Pete I cannot thank you enough for that small suggestion it made a difference in the quality and outlook on life right up to the end this last July. Partly becasue of that she planned cruises to Norway and Alaska and loved them. I know your struggles are great but your love and faith are greater and you continue to inspire and help others along this difficult path even when you are not aware of it.
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,

    Ken Meisner
