Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hello Again!

Heading Out
With Family in Oakland
Its been more than six months since I last updated here and since February Pete has retired and had his sixtieth birthday. Sarah and I gave him a surprise party to celebrate and he was surprised. People came from all over the country and we really got him!

Grand Canyon on the 4th of July
With Feather in Ashland
We just returned home on July 28th from a trip out west to visit friends and family in California and Oregon and to see some of the beautiful places this country has to offer. Pete and Mabel and Joshua and I were on the road for 28 days and over 5,000 miles and we carried everything in our mini-van and we found good, wheelchair-friendly accomodations everywhere we went. It was such a great feeling being able to take a trip like that and I am so thankful that we were able to do it - and I so loved being able to see everyone we visited. In addition to friends and family we saw Mickey Mouse at Disneyland and James Taylor at the Red Rocks Amphitheater in Denver. Here are a few photos. To all of you who welcomed us along the way, thank you. I love you.

Visiting Bixby Canyon
Heading Home
We are also working on a project to build an ALS Living Center here in the Dallas area like the one we found out about near Boston. So a group of us are creating a charity called The ALS Project. We are excited about it and we hope to be able to tell about our progress here as time goes on. This is a chance for Pete and I to share some of the good fortune we have had in our ALS experience with others. I'm sorry its been so long since I've updated the blog but I hope your summer is going well.  I always love to hear from you and if you ever come to Dallas, please plan to stop by and visit.



Monday, February 6, 2012

MDA Muscle Walk

Dewie Greeted me like this when I came home from my last trip! Her sign says, "Happy Retirement! Now you're all mine, Coconut! (its a long story) Love, Dewie.
So the next thing we will be doing is this Saturday's MDA Muscle Walk in Dallas. As we've talked about in this blog, MDA has been invaluable in our lives and our efforts to live with ALS and we really want to help them rasie the money it takes to do all the wonderful things they do for ALS patients and ALS research. If you would like to join Team Dewie Q, meet us at Cowboy Stadium in Arlington at 9:00 am Saturday. To donate to Team Dewie Q, click here. Our team goal is to raise $1,000. Thank you for helping us reach it.


Pete and Dewie

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

To all my friends and family I wish a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This year I am especially grateful for your love. I am blessed to be here with the ability to enjoy our relationship. May you also be blessed. Love, Dewie

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Team Dewie Q

The Walk to Defeat ALS this year was a great one. Attendance was way up and I'm sure donations were, too. Our experience this year was special because even though we didn't actively fund raise like last year our team doubled in size and we still raised nearly $500 thanks to your big hearts. Our loyal walkers from last year included Bob, Mary Ann, Maria, Gabi and Rosa. New walkers this year were Sarah, Mabel and her son Joshua and my long-time California friend Deborah who stayed with us for a few days. We were especially uplifted to be joined by the family of ALS champion Dr. Paul Lanier, who wrote a very inspirational book about his journey with ALS - "A Change in the Flight Plan". A special thank you to Dee, Marilyn, Katie, Meagan and Brittney. And to all who walked and donated this year - Thank You. You warm my heart. Team Dewie Q will be walking again on February 11th at the MDA Muscle Walk. You can join our team or make a gift by clicking Here.
Finally, those questions. I still have several left to answer and I haven't forgotten them. I am taking my time though, huh?

Love, Dewie

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thank You Merilly and James Taylor!

I was blown away last week when in the mail I got a piece of sheet music for James Taylor's song "Carolina in My Mind" signed to me by James himself! My good friend Merilly read on the blog that James Taylor is my favorite musician and she lives not far from him on Martha's Vinyard. So she just took it on her wonderful self to see if James would like to send me something and lo and behold, he did!

Thank you both for such a kind thought and gesture. And thank you to all of my friends and family for all the love and support you give me. Your love and friendship are what make life such a beautiful experience. I love you. Dewie

More Answers

I have taken a break from the blog for a bit and I've been wanting to come back to it so here goes.

Barbara noticed one of my blog posts says 12:52am and she asks, "Are you a night owl?". Heavens, no! I go to bed early most nights. But Pete works on the blog sometimes when he is on a trip and posts from far away time zones, so that's why the blog is updated at odd hours.

And Mary Ann asks, "What is the Fall hair color palatte?" My answer is "Forever Blonde!" Until I change my mind...

Love to all,
